Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Patience, the Lost Virtue

I am not the kind of person that you would automatically look at and think, "Wow, she has the patience of a saint".  Yes, I have 5 kids, 4 of which can't take care of themselves.  That doesn't mean I am patient.  I pray for tolerance.  I have prayed for patience, and that never ends well.  I have found that God likes to stretch your abilities by what you pray for, so I now pray for tolerance.  

Right now, however, I need patience.  I am praying for peace, for perfect faith, and for help not worrying about tomorrow.  He has us in this place, where we just don't get even a glimpse of what might happen next.  No announcement, no commercial, no bill board or poster.  Just a door that we are waiting for Him to open.  

The second big job that Joey was offered, seems to be falling through as well, but everyday he has work.  Everyday the phone rings and he has more work come in.  It is amazing.  We are still looking for the perfect RV at the perfect price, and just waiting on what God is gonna do next.

You would think that I would be beyond anxious (which I go through phases in) and struggling with what to do.  That was last week.  I am over that part now.  I am just truckin' along (see what I did there?  LOL), going through every box, bag and container we own.  Still planning on this trip, in our invisible RV.  People might think I'm crazy (well, they are right), but I still am certain that this is what our next house is going to be.  Even if it isn't here yet, and even if it doesn't make any sense.  I am just along for the ride.  

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