Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Chicken Story

I still can't quite figure out how to make this blog page do what I want.  Gracsyn has promised me that she will show me what I need to know before she goes back home.  It is so strange to think about how much is going to change all at once.  And there seems to be no way to prepare for it.  (She is planning on leaving November 9th to go back to North Carolina)

Anyway, The Chicken Story!  Some of you are gonna think I have cracked (no pun intended)... but last Sunday, God used Joey's trip to Sam's Club to give me the heads up that we might have to wait until the very last minute to get the RV we need.  It was the afternoon of our last Growing Kids God's Way group, and we had a family dinner after the video.  Joey decided to head to Sam's Club to grab a few things we needed, including a rotisserie chicken. (they are so good!)

If you don't know Joey, he is an excellent story teller, so picture him telling this part.  He calls me to tell me the scenario.  He was walking up to the meat section where they keep the chicken under a warmer.  As he spots the warmer, he noticed that there didn't seem to be any chickens left.  He got closer... still, no chicken in sight.  He got closer still, and there, to one side, was a lone chicken.  It was waiting for him to take it home.  Strangely, we didn't need the chicken for dinner that night after all.

When he was telling me this story, in the dramatic way that he does, this thought just dawned on me that we were gonna have to wait until the need was right there.  It has been that way for the last two years, why should it change now?  God has provided for our needs, down to the exact penny, and quite often, on the exact day that we have needed it.  It has been in the form of all kinds of jobs for Joey.  Things he has never done before, that God has just given him the wisdom to know how to do.  And God has also used people, so many times, stories I will never forget, and I know He won't either.

Each time I open the bible, or my bible study, and each Sunday, God is revealing the people of the past that have been challenged with something somehow similar to what I am going through at this very moment.  It is kind of a strange phenomenon to experience, but as I write to share with you, it becomes more obvious as I type the words.  I have promised not to edit the content of my blog after I write it, that way the words that I write are exactly what need to be said.  

I am so thankful to be in this place in life,  no matter how crazy it gets.  To just know that I can count on how I am feeling about everything that is happening right in front of us, it makes taking each day as it comes so much easier.  I am still walking around my house in circles, not sure what to pack, and what to sell and what to give.   But I will figure it out, and the girls are learning a lot and are helping me out tremendously.  At least from now on, we will always have our family!

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