Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gotta Have Faith

Ok, so I have been sick for a week now, to the point of just enough head and chest cold to not be able to think straight or have much energy, for a week.  Doesn't really keep me on schedule, (HA!  if you know me, you know that "schedule" is a dirty word) things have actually piled up, so I am having to just catch up before I can move on to more sorting, packing and making piles of what is going where.  It is a sea of boxes and containers all over my bedroom, and the dining room.  I feel like I am getting so much done, and then I look around and see nothing to show for it.  Talk about aggravating.  My sweet girls are offering their help constantly, but at the moment, there is really not much they can do.

Oh, and still there is no RV.  God is so good, and Joey has had some big jobs come in during the last week and even going into next week.  We are able to save a lot of that money, and we do have his van we can sell if we need to.  I know that I have complete faith that this is what God has next for our family.  Everything has been set up perfectly.  I can see the even bigger picture right now too.  God has just unlocked a window to me that has helped me put so many connections together to understand why He has allowed the things of my past to happen.  That in itself, has been beyond overwhelming.  I told a friend the other day that I feel like I am a living Bible story right now.  God has remind me of the manna that he provided, only what they needed for one day, and no more.  God has remind me of Mary, who had no choice but to trust God, just like me right now.  I remember the story of Job, and how he was stripped of EVERYTHING, at least we are not asked to be Job.  :)

I have not been reading the Bible like I should this week and I am feeling it.  I am rushed to write this, but I at least wanted to give a quick update.  I have Bible study tonight, a jump start back to God's word.  I am sure to have His inspiration to write more.  I'll be back soon.

P.S. A dog has adopted us.  A German Shepard puppy.  This might be permanent.

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