Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Promised Update

I have quickly realized how hard it is to blog with this much activity going on in our lives right now.  Not that I have had a whole lot to write about the last couple days... we are just waiting in faith, and pretending that everything is normal and that this is what everyone is doing.  

Tonight at my bible study, we talked about when it is a time to die, or end something that is dying.  Pruning, if you will.  In order to make something flourish, you might need to cut back on some branches (things/relationships) to help the growth become stronger and more beautiful.  God doesn't do coincidence... today is also our 10th wedding anniversary.  10 years ago today, I vowed to be a different person, to get rid of what wasn't the best, to commit to a different roll, and to an extent that I humanly cannot explain or understand completely.  I changed my life dramatically, though it did take some time for the growth to finally come back stronger, and I believe that it is all because of what God can do with someone who is willing to be pruned.  

Our life is being pruned, as a family, right now.  We are living in a mansion, in our minds, 3000 square feet is a lot of space.  I know that this home was from God as well, and I really wish I had started blogging when that all went down almost a year ago.  God gave it to us so we would have room for Tristin and Gracsyn while they were with us.  But once again, another story.

Until December 1st, the girls are sharing a 300 square foot bedroom/playroom.  God is calling us to downsize a bit, to 300 square feet for our WHOLE home.  Talk about pruning!  Our goal is to be able to fit what we still own into a 5' X 10' storage locker and what will fit in an RV.  The surprising emotions that are involved in basically getting rid of most of what you have collected over the last 10 years is confusing, yet healthy.  I am blessed with the memories of  those who have blessed us with all of our stuff, the many families of friends who have passed on their belongings to us, and I am blessed at the thought of who it will be passed onto.  But none the less, it is honestly a bit of a struggle.  Especially because we still do not actually possess an RV.

About that, God has allowed me to see into the situation.  I am learning that He is always giving us opportunities to make an impact, and be part of His will for our lives.  In this situation, God tried to use a man who needed a barn to be designed and built, and was wanting to barter an RV for the labor.  Unfortunately, the devil succeeded in intercepting the deal, tricking the man into wanting more money for the RV, not thinking that Joey's labor for MANY weeks was worth the dollar amount of his material possession.  

So, God moved onto the next heart.  A man Joey was introduced to through a member of our church, a believing man as well.  He has offered Joey approximately 6 - 8 weeks of work, remodeling his home, exactly how long it would have taken Joey to build the barn.  However, this job is close to home, Joey won't have to be in a different state (like would have been for the barn deal) and he already has plans made out to work with, which I am hoping is a big blessing in itself.  

In my next post, I need to remember to tell you about my Sam's Club chicken story, and how God has just used the strangest ways to talk to me lately! 

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