Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Time for New Beginnings

I started a new bible study last week called "Time for Everything".  I have not been involved in a bible study since I was pregnant with Sunny, over 16 months ago.  God's timing is EVERYTHING.  This week, the chapter is titled "A Time for New Beginnings".  That is what this is.  This adventure that we have been called to, this dream to most people, something almost unattainable. 

The word revival means a new beginning of obedience, and that is what God is calling us to.  We require obedience of our children, and He is expecting the same of us, His children.  

The first thing I keep hearing (from God) is to blog.  Blog, blog, BLOG!!!  Ok, God, here I go.  Please help me to have the discipline to continue this and the wisdom to write what you want them to hear.

The second thing I keep hearing is that He has the perfect RV already picked out and that He has covered all the details.  

If you don't know me, or at least don't know what new craziness our family is up to... you are wondering what an RV has to do with anything.  So here it goes.

God has called us out of our comfort zone and into an RV.  He wants us to step out on faith; on the water, if you will, and sell most of what we own, downsize from a 3000 sq ft home to a 5' X 10' storage unit and move into a 350 sq ft RV.  And if you don't believe in God, now you REALLY think we are crazy.  

Yes, this mama is going to let go of most of our earthly things, take my 4 kids and my husband and live in an RV full time, while homeschooling and traveling around the country (when it is warm).  The HOW of it all will come later.  But God has been asking me, or really telling me to blog and I want to start with today.

So, back to the bible study.  We were reading in Exodus about Moses and the burning bush... a story I have heard before.  But I had never really READ the story and stopped to understand it.  Today was the perfect day for that.  

The basic idea of the story is that Moses comes across a random, constantly burning bush that is not burning up.  So of course he is curious and goes to check it out.  God (the cause of the burning bush) sees Moses coming up to see what this strange sight is all about, and calls to Moses. God tells him not to come any closer to the bush, but to take his sandals off (anywhere God is is holy ground) .  Moses obeys and then hides his face because he was afraid to look at God.  Then God instructs Moses to go to the Pharaoh and demand that he let God's people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.  In Exodus 3 and 4, Moses is having a conversation with God about why he shouldn't go talk to this big Pharaoh guy, but God basically says, "Dude, your equipped, I gave you the mouth you have and I will help you to say what I need you to say... you just need to obey."  God also calls himself [the] I AM.

After we read about that, we were given an activity.  We were told to finish the sentence, God might be talking to me about.....
My answer was that God is asking me to give Him COMPLETE control of my life and trust Him 110%.  He is challenging me specifically by asking me to allow Him to have control over when I have another baby, so I am not taking birth control for the first time in my life.  He has also asked us to go on this RV adventure, however, we are 6 weeks away from our lease being up and we have no RV.  Talk about needing faith!!!  

So while I am at the wonderful evening of bible study talking with God and myself about my struggles and how I can overcome them, Joey is at home and on the phone with a man he is making a deal with for an RV.  But, we are the Rowas, so nothing can be normal.  So Joey is trying to work out a deal to built a barn in barter/trade for a beautiful RV that has a lot of the things we would like to have in our new home.  When he got of the phone with that man, he told me that the deal is probably off.  Even though Joey has been working for the last 2.5 weeks on building plans, pricing out materials and getting all the details for building a barn, the man has found someone who is willing to do the work for much less money.  

So, we have no idea what is going to happen next.  We have very little savings, the work only comes in when we need something to be paid for.  God has been cool like that with us for the last TWO YEARS, obviously preparing us for what is to come.  But that story is for another time as well.  

My mind has gone blank, that must be all I need to say for now.  But let me share my prayer for myself for today.  Lord, please help me to manage my time better and not to be afraid of what is going to happen next.  Please give me the faith to know that the details are already covered.  Please remind me to pray and read (the bible) everyday with my family, so that we are constantly protected from the devil.  Amen.

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