Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 3rd

I am sitting at an old microwave cabinet, I think that is what they call them, because both the desks in our office sold today.  It is so strangely exhilarating to look around this house, as things are being picked up for purchase, and truly not know what is going to happen next.  Today, Joey called on the RV we would love to buy.  It has the things that would make living in an RV full time possible and comfortable.  It seems like it was well taken care of so far.  Joey is going to go test drive it tomorrow.  Also, Joey went back to the dealership in Tampa, and the woman promised to have an answer as to whether or not they would help us finance the rest of what we don't have saved, but she did not call back today, nor did she specify when she would call back by.  It has been a very exciting day for me, and the suspense is killing me.  I will wait upon the Lord, and trust in Him with all my heart, my soul, and my mind.  I will wait upon the Lord.....

I know that this moment, these last few days and weeks, and all of what is about to happen means so much more that what I can see or understand right now in front of me.  I am the most excited to know that God is using me, ME, to show Himself, and Jesus.  That what the Bible says is true, that we can trust in Him with all our needs, and that that trust can be as small as a mustard seed, but change lives and move mountains with that tiny amount of faith.  I know that God can give me back my teenage daughter, the one I had given to Him, and her adoptive mom.  I know that God can forgive for anything, I mean anything.  So I know that He can provide our family with what we need right now.  And I know that I can't wait to see how He will continue to use us in this RV on this crazy adventure with no beginning and no end.  

What's next?  Great question!  Tomorrow, I have two friends blessing me with their time, we are going to set up for the "everything in the house and the garage" sale that we are going to have Saturday.  I need to start taking pictures of what is left and posting it on the local sites tomorrow.  If you need stuff, we have it, so come to our house on Saturday and buy our stuff to help us raise the rest of the money we will need to buy this new house (on wheels)!  I am also going to help the girls decide on what clothing to bring "on the bus".  It will be a very easy task for Lily, I think she only has about 5 shirts that fit her that she will wear, and probably less shorts.  She does her laundry a lot.  Daisy, however, will be a different story.  I think she has more clothes than Barbie, thanks to a wonderful friend who blesses us often with lots of fabulous clothes.  Daisy is my little fashionista.  She is always wanting to pick out the little girl's outfits, and tries to offer advice for my wardrobe as well.  The things I didn't know I needed.  Ivy's clothes are already in a laundry basket, ready to go.  (The Master bed has storage under the mattress and mattress platform, a perfect size to hold laundry baskets with neatly folded clothes)  Her dresser sold last week.  The bunk beds will be taken down tomorrow as well.  How strange it is to even type those words.  Maybe I am a little anxious...

I really need to make myself go to sleep now, I should probably get up earlier than the kids and try to get more work done before the interruptions begin.  At least I will have another adult to help field the "child needs" that arise tomorrow.  Thank you for still reading along.  I am glad that I will have this all documented for us to look back on and remember, and I am glad that it is blessing some of you, as you have shared with me.  Thank you also, for the continued prayers.  I KNOW I couldn't be doing all this right now without the prayers!

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