Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Lost Virtue Part 2

I know in my heart that God's timing is always perfect.  I just wish I could see the clock too.  Patience is something that most people think I have a lot of... but that is not so true, and that is showing through right now.  We are living in a house with almost no furniture, no beds at all, with landlords that (rightfully) want us out... not one of us knows what to expect tomorrow, and it has been very emotionally draining living this way.

As I am pouring out my heart to God, asking for answers, for help, for protection from the evil one, I want the answers.  How would I find answers from God?  Well, the Bible is a good place to look.   I have been trying to remember to start every day with a little truth, and I just simply look for the verse of the day on my Bible app and then read that chapter in the Bible.  It has been working well, and today was especially enlightening for me.

Today, the verse of the day is Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ~ The whole chapter talks about living in faith, and names many of the people that were written about in the Bible that had faith.  God has reminded me of so many of these "characters" over the last few weeks and months.  Noah keeps coming up, and so does Mary.  Abraham has been brought up from a friend.  Sarah, and her faith gave her a baby WAY past her years of child bearing, and so many more stories, all in one chapter, reminding me that if they could do it in their much bigger, crazier circumstances, than I can make it through, faithfully waiting for our little RV.

Christmas is two weeks from today.  We have not talked about gifts, or about shopping.  We have been focusing on our family, on giving our things to others, to bless them the way we have been blessed.  We are focusing on making memories, spending quality time together, and not trying to keep up with the Jones's anymore.  I challenge you to look at your "holiday season".  Look at what you're focused on, and if it will really matter tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.

As we sit in an empty, 3000 sq ft house, hearing our voices echo against the walls where our STUFF used to be, you'd think my children would be complaining about what they don't have, or what they had to pack away and store... I am so amazed at them, and how happy they are to just be.  To just be.  No matter what happens next, we will still have our healthy family, our friends, and our faith to get us to the next place we need to be.  Blessed doesn't begin to explain the feeling I am feeling, through the fear and the struggle.  We are so very blessed.

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