Friday, December 5, 2014

They said Yes!

Hey guys!!!  The place in Tampa that we had purchased an RV from before are willing to finance us for whatever we need left to cover the cost of whatever RV we pick out!  Now the hard part (apparently) is going to be finding the house we need at a price that is reasonable and affordable.  The search continues.  They want us to try to find one at a dealership, for ease of transaction and also better protection from bad titles etc., so that limits us and our options.  Please pray with us that we will find the perfect RV in the next day or two, and that God will make it very obvious and easy to get through the process.  Please also pray for the land lords of this house.  That they will continue to be understanding and that God will just speak to their hearts through this as well.  Thanks!  I will keep the updates coming!  

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