Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The No News Flash

Well, I guess that title is misleading, because I do have news to report.  It just isn't what I would like to be reporting on right now.  We are down to 11 days until our lease is up.  We are waiting patiently for what is gonna happen next, whatever that is.  I have faith that God has the perfect RV picked out for us, and that we will have it as soon as possible.  I also have noticed that God likes to make us wait until the very last day, and sometimes even last hour or minute, before He covers our next need.  He knows we need a place to live.  He knows we need something to suit our family.  He knows our needs.  He clothes us by all of the people who bless us with "passed along" clothing.  He provides us with cars, and food, and phones.  We are not lacking, our needs are met.  We are blessed with so many things we want as well.  We are so blessed!

Yes, we do have a few ideas for "back-up" plans, friends and family have offered their homes for us to share, and we could always hit up a hotel if need be.  I am constantly amazed at the number of friends who will offer what they have to us, such a big family (and loud too)  God has really shown us what love looks like through these last 2 plus years.  I hope that I am mirroring that in a way that makes Him proud.

I seem to have writer's block tonight.  Maybe it's the deadline approaching, maybe it's the fact that I am not taking care of myself as well as I should, so my brain is a little foggy, or maybe it's just the (rare) freezing temperatures outside tonight.  I feel like I have so much to say about everything, yet the words just don't flow.  I wish I could explain the crazy peace I am experiencing considering all that is about to happen.  It really is the peace that passes understanding that I sang about when I was a kid.  I am bi-polar with anxiety and I should be a total mess right now.  Thank God for my meds, but they can only do so much to keep me level.  I can't believe that I can eat and sleep and not feel like I am going to throw up or pass out right now. It is such relief!  I mean, I could easily freak out, take control and find an apartment real quick to make sure we have a real plan in case maybe I heard God wrong or something... but I want to let go and let God, like the saying goes.

OH!  AND... a German Shepard dog has decided to make us his family... isn't that funny?!?  We had talked about having a large dog for protection, and had even "interviewed" a rottie awhile back.  That dog had issues, so we just kinda gave up the idea.  My mom and I were having a conversation about the decision to wait on getting a dog on Wed, Oct 29th.  She was saying how nuts I was to want a dog in an RV too, but I really miss my rottie, she was my travel companion before I ever met Joey, and I loved having her along because she scared the crap out of people.  :)    I agreed with mom, though, on the timing.  Especially considering that I have 1 kid in diapers full time, and another in them at night... I don't need to potty train a dog too.  I told her "the only way I could have a dog right now is if one came already potty trained and knowing how to sit so I can just teach the dog from there and not have to worry about the baby puppy stage".  I still can't believe this as I am typing it, but the VERY NEXT DAY, Joey drove out to his old Tampa shop to get some clear bra materials cut.  When he got there, after trying to get out to the shop for days, his buddy told him about a dog they had inside that had just walked up to them and started hanging around the shop.  They took the dog to a vet to check for a microchip, and nothing was found.  We have had the dog ever since that day, searching online and putting up posters to find the dogs owner.  We haven't found anyone that claims him!  So, the dog seems to be around 9 months old, is completely house trained, knows the command 'sit', and is turning out to be a really great dog.  I can't believe the dog I described to my mom walked into our lives the very next day.  I don't believe in coincidence, I think God allows everything to happen for a reason, and I am sitting on the edge of my seat (with you) waiting to see what is going to happen next.  Thanks for "staying tuned"!

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